Durango, Phase I

The Durango I project is composed of 5 Ejidos from the mountain range of Durango. These communities are mainly dedicated to forest management and are certified by FSC. The environmental impact will be significant because the value of the environmental services provided by the forests and the forest conservation activities will be recognized, allowing the communities to conserve portions of the land that didn't have any monetary value. These communities are in remote places where there are deficiencies of different types. The project will be a catalyst to generate social co-benefits. We designed and will implement a social impact strategy that will focus on providing access to health, connectivity, gender equity, access to drinking water, and education.

  • Tipo de Propiedad: Ejidal
  • Superficie total: 49,984 hectáreas (123,513 Acres)
  • Número de Ejidatarios: 108
  • Habitantes: 3,700
  • Actividades Económicas Preponderantes:Aprovechamiento forestal, Agricultura, Ganadería y Comercio.
  • Forest Stewarship Council (FSC):Certificado
  • Ubicación: Ejido Los Altares, Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango.
  • Estándar: Climate Action Reserve
  • Protocolo: Protocolo Forestal para México V3.0 Tipo: Manejo Forestal Mejorado
  • ID: 1675
  • Área de Actividad: 49,689 Hectáreas (122,122 Acres)
  • Remociones Totales Anuales de CO2: 35,000 Toneladas
  • Certificados Totales Anuales: 22,000 CRTs
  • Fecha de Inicio de proyecto: 24 de Abril de 2022

Contrucción de 15 kms de brechas corta fuego.

Metas para el Desarrollo Sostenible:

S-WEB-Goal-05 2
S-WEB-Goal-06 2
S-WEB-Goal-08 2

Alianza Estratégicas


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